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CEDAR Audio CEDAR Studio Complete - Upgrade from DNS One (VST/AU/AAX)

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For registered owners of DNS One software. Containing all eleven processes from CEDAR Studio DNS™, CEDAR Studio Restore™ and CEDAR Studio Retouch™, CEDAR Studio Complete is the most advanced plug-in suite available for noise suppression and audio restoration. It will eliminate your impulsive noi... Read More

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For registered owners of DNS One software.

Containing all eleven processes from CEDAR Studio DNS™, CEDAR Studio Restore™ and CEDAR Studio Retouch™, CEDAR Studio Complete is the most advanced plug-in suite available for noise suppression and audio restoration. It will eliminate your impulsive noise problems - clicks, crackle, and thumps - remove background noise, reduce hiss, and eliminate hums, buzzes, and clipping distortion. It will also allow you to remove individual sounds, correct wrong notes, and much, much more. Finally, to prepare your track for its intended purpose, its unique Adaptive Limiter is ideal for mastering and maximising.

When your audio really matters, turn to CEDAR Studio Complete.

If you work with film dialogue, the speed, flexibility, and ease of use of DNS One provides solutions to audio problems that you could not previously solve. It's the standard for multi-channel post-production in the film, video, and TV industries. It's also ideal for removing motor noise from recordings, for eliminating electrical interference, and for helping to clean up recordings suffering from unfavourable acoustics and poor microphone locations.

A huge success within the DNS 2™ hardware unit, the newly developed algorithm in DNS Two has already proved to be the quickest, simplest and most effective dialogue noise suppressor ever developed. In almost all cases, using DNS Two is as simple as switching on LEARN and then adjusting the attenuation to obtain the desired amount of noise reduction. If you're working with location sound recordists and studios who use DNS 2s, the DNS Two process will allow you to replicate their work precisely and fine-tune them for the best possible results.

Declick offers better impulsive noise detection and a better interpolator than any other plug-in declicker. This results in superior performance across a wider range of material than ever before. Indeed, this performance is so good that, in most cases, it's not possible to hear that the signal was damaged prior to restoration.

Decrackle boasts a remarkable ability to dig into the damaged signal to identify and remove all manner of ground-in and grungy crackle without damaging the wanted audio. It also removes many forms of buzz and some amplitude distortions from material ranging from cylinder recordings to current broadcasts contaminated with lighting buzz.

Extended scratches and clicks are encountered on many audio media - film, tape or disk, whether analogue or digital. Manual Declick is ideal for restoring these, and its unique dual algorithms - optimised for long clicks and scratches - will remove noises such as those found on optical soundtracks, as well as drop-outs and extended digital errors. (Pro Tools Only)

Conventional declicking processes and filters are unsuitable for restoring audio containing extended low-frequency thumps. Dethump eliminates these, replacing the unwanted sound with restored low frequency audio and is the ideal tool for removing many of the previously intractible problems associated with optical soundtracks, cylinders, discs, and even cleaning modern recordings when, for example, microphones and stands are bumped. (Pro Tools Only)

Other plug-in dehissers are prone to side-effects, often called twittering and glugging. Auto Dehiss embodies a far more advanced algorithm that enables the software to determine the broadband noise content and remove it without the introduction of these unwanted side-effects or artefacts. A manual mode is also offered for fine-tuning the results when wanted.

Buzzes and hums can creep into the highest quality recordings and live audio, but can be eliminated quickly and easily using Debuzz. This is capable of removing all manner of buzzes and hums with fundamentals as high as 500Hz and can eliminate unwanted signal components across the entire audio spectrum. Debuzz will track wandering tones and, unlike traditional filters, can successfully restore the audio without unwanted side-effects such as limited bandwidth or the hollow sound introduced by comb filters.

You'll be amazed at how effortlessly Declip 2 removes clipped samples and reconstructs the original signal, improving clarity, eliminating distortion, and restoring the original dynamic range of the damaged audio. Unique to Declip 2, this latest algorithm even tracks the clipping amplitude so that material that has later been processed with dynamics packages can still be restored.

The Adaptive Limiter employs another unique algorithm developed by CEDAR that calculates a continuously varying EQ profile that constrains the peak level of the output while retaining the integrity of the input. The result is a perfectly controlled signal that remains much more natural than audio processed using other limiters. It is also an unsurpassed loudness maximiser and, with its advanced resampling and noise shaping capabilities, is ideal for mixing, final mastering and other creative duties.

Unlike conventional tools, Retouch allows you to define the temporal and spectral content of the sound that you want to manipulate using the types of tools commonly found in photographic image manipulation software. Once identified, those sounds can be manipulated using any of the numerous modes at your disposal; Interpolation (to suppress or remove unwanted sounds seamlessly) as well as Copy, Patch, and Delete modes, a Volume mode that allows you to listen to just the marked sounds (or everything but the marked audio) plus powerful new Cleanse and Revert modes. (Standalone application only)

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Product Specs

Compatible Host Systems Pro Tools: 11, 12, or 2018 Ultimate (AAX Native)
Other Hosts: All processes except Retouch, Manual Declick and Dethump: VST 2.4, VST 2.3, AU (64-bit only)
Retouch: Standalone (no workstation or other host required)
Operating Systems PC: Windows 7 onward
Authorization HSP USB Dongle (sold separately)

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