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DiGiCo X-OB-B-D2 - Orange Box Dante to BNC MADI Converter

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Orange Box - MADI BNC to DANTE2, 2 RU Dual PSU. Package includes: Orange Box w/ 1 x DMI-B MADI BNC and 1 x DMI-DANTE2. With DiGiCo's compact 2U Orange Box, you can use DMI (DiGiCo Multichannel Interface) cards to create audio paths over whatever interface you desire. The Orange Box has 2 PSUs fo... Read More

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Orange Box - MADI BNC to DANTE2, 2 RU Dual PSU. Package includes: Orange Box w/ 1 x DMI-B MADI BNC and 1 x DMI-DANTE2.

With DiGiCo's compact 2U Orange Box, you can use DMI (DiGiCo Multichannel Interface) cards to create audio paths over whatever interface you desire. The Orange Box has 2 PSUs for redundancy, and 2 slots to accommodate any of our [ten*] different interfaces that allow you to convert pretty much any format to another.

How? We have Slot A and Slot B, let's say you have MADI on your product, but you want to go to Dante. No problem, just buy a DMI with MADI, and a DMI with Dante, connect them up via the two slots, and away you go.

It's the same with Hydra 2, Optocore, Aviom, AES, Analogue, and so on. This cool little 'anything in, anything out' box essentially gives you a choice of Multichannel user interfaces that enable you to send audio wherever you want, in whatever format you choose.

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