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DiGiCo X-WAVES-SD11 - SD-Waves Card for SD11 Console

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If you want even more processing and effects in addition to the Stealth FX standard on all DiGiCo consoles, the option of running Waves Plugins live on your console opens up a whole world of choice. Waves’ SoundGrid technology enables you to run Waves plugins in real time and with super-low late... Read More

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If you want even more processing and effects in addition to the Stealth FX standard on all DiGiCo consoles, the option of running Waves Plugins live on your console opens up a whole world of choice.

Waves’ SoundGrid technology enables you to run Waves plugins in real time and with super-low latency on your DiGiCo console, allowing maximum plugin control, reliably fast processing speeds and the ultimate live sound performance for FoH, Monitor, Broadcast and Theatre engineers.

System Requirements to Run Waves Plugins on your DiGiCo SD-Range Console

To mix with Waves plugins on DiGiCo SD-Range consoles, you need to:

Run the MultiRack SoundGrid plugin host software on a computer connected to the console. Processing is handled by a Waves SoundGrid Server or a DiGiGrid SoundGrid Server, which offers heavy processing capabilities at ultra-low latency and supports server redundancy.

The plugins can be controlled directly from the console, including touch-and-turn plugin parameter adjustments and the ability to manage sessions and snapshots.
Console mirroring is supported, so when you use redundant console setups, any setting and parameter changes will be reflected onto a fully mirrored MultiRack setup.
Use a SoundGrid-certified network switch to connect your console to the computer running MultiRack and to the SoundGrid servers. You’ll need a Waves I/O option for DiGiCo SD Consoles installed to connect the console to your SoundGrid network.

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