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DirectOut PRODIGY. Now All-Digital.

PRODIGY.MX is a multiformat audio matrix with a capacity of 1664 x 1664 audio channels. The mainframe hosts up to six audio network modules interfacing with the whole range of audio protocols offered by DirectOut. Two additional MADI slots connect with selectable sockets.

The hardware is modular and the available licenses are granular - offering to make the best choice to meet your requirements.

Multi Format

  • Dante
  • SoundGrid
  • MADI

Seamless connecting
Bidirectional sample rate conversion (HD SRC) connects across clock boundaries.

Control is key
Globcon control manages all DirectOut devices via network - either on Mac or PC.
Local display and operation on a touch display facilitates the overview and grants basic control.

Third-party control protocols (Ember+, OSC, SNMP, JSON-API) are available as options.

Signal processing offers gain control of all inputs and outputs and channel groups for comfortable fading. Additional DSP functions are planned for future updates.

MADI unlocked
New MADI modules for the audio network slots with two or four MADI ports add extra capacity to the single MADI slots.