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RDL D-SH1 Stereo Headphone Amplifier - Decora panel with user level control

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Please Note: requires PS-24AS Power Supply (sold separately)


The D/DS SH1 is used in applications requiring headphones of any impedance to be driven from consumer or professional audio sources. The D/DS-SH1 is ideally suited to applications as diverse as language translation, museums, interview studios and music stores. The module mounts conveniently in a ... Read More

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The D/DS SH1 is used in applications requiring headphones of any impedance to be driven from consumer or professional audio sources. The D/DS-SH1 is ideally suited to applications as diverse as language translation, museums, interview studios and music stores. The module mounts conveniently in a precut opening in a wood or metal enclosure or in various RDL mounting accessories. The D/DS SH1 is a dual channel headphone amplifier with balanced/unbalanced left and right inputs. Each input accepts operating levels between -20 dBV and +20 dBu. Two recessed slide switches located on the side of the rear enclosure are set prior to mounting the module. One switch is provided for setting the input sensitivity. The mode switch selects between stereo and mono operation. In the mono position, the left input is used to drive both output channels. When the module is used in a monaural system, only the left channel input must be wired. The front panel level control is a long life potentiometer controlling matched VCAs. Audio does not pass through this control, assuring years of noise free level adjustment. The output amplifiers deliver more than 50 mW into either high or low impedance headphones through a durable, metal (6.3 mm) standard headphone jack. Module operation is from a 24 Vdc ground referenced power supply. It can also operate from a 12 Vdc supply with a 6 dB reduction in headroom and a maximum output power of 10 mW.

  • Panel-Mounted Headphone Amplifier
  • Wall-Mounted Headphone Amplifier
  • Convenience of Decora Mounting Possibilities
  • Amplifier To Drive High or Low Impedance Headsets
  • Switch-Selectable Mono (Left) or Stereo Operation
  • Switch-Selectable Input Sensitivity
  • Balanced or Unbalanced Inputs
  • Integral Long-Life VCA Stereo Level Control

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Product Specs

Inputs (2):10 k balanced or unbalanced bridging
Input Level:+4 dBu nominal (Low input sensitivity)
-15 dBV nominal (High input sensitivity)
Maximum Input Level:+21 dBu (Low input sensitivity)
+3 dBu (High input sensitivity)
Output Signal (normal rated):10 mW into 100
Output Signal (maximum):50 mW into 100
THD+N:< 0.5% @ 1 kHz
Frequency Response:30 Hz to 20 kHz (+/- 2 dB)
Noise:< -70 dB below normal operating level
Gain:User-adjustable on front panel
18.5 dB (maximum, High input sensitivity)
Unity (maximum, Low input sensitivity)
CMRR:> 60 dB (50 to 120 Hz)
Crosstalk:Below noise floor (20 Hz to 20 kHz)
Power Requirement:GROUND-REFERENCED 24 to 33 Vdc @ 50 mA
Ambient Operating Environment:0 degrees C to 55 degrees C

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