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Rolls RPQ160B 4-Band Parametric Equalizer

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The RPQ160b is a 4 band parametric equalizer with high and low shelving filters and is capable of processing frequencies from 20Cy to 20KCy. These sort of units are for reducing room resonances, anti feedback, special effects, room flattening, etc.. The 160 also features 3 different jack types as... Read More

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The RPQ160b is a 4 band parametric equalizer with high and low shelving filters and is capable of processing frequencies from 20Cy to 20KCy. These sort of units are for reducing room resonances, anti feedback, special effects, room flattening, etc.. The 160 also features 3 different jack types as well as balanced and unbalances ins and outs.


  • 4 Bands of parametric equalization
  • RCA, 1/4" and XLR inputs and outputs
  • Adjustable high and low shelving filters
  • "T" Filers, which avoid the complexity and distortion of state-variable filters
  • AC adapter included
  • Great for room equalization, sound reinforcement, or home and studio recording applications

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Product Specs

Input Impedance10K Ohms unbalanced, 20K Ohms balanced
Output Impedance50 Ohms
Frequency Response:16Hz to 30kHz +/- 3dB
Max Input:+24 dB
Max Output:+24 dB
S/N Ratio>90 dB
Shelving Slope12 dB/Octave
Master Level:-12 to +12 dB
Low Shelf16Hz to 500Hz High-pass filter
High Shelf1Hz to 30kHz Low-pass filter
Frequency Controls:70Hz to 1.5kHz; 150Hz to 3kHz; 300Hz to 10kHz; 600Hz to 20kHz
Width:.3 to 3 Octaves per band
Level:-15 to +15 dB per band
Power:12 VAC (Adapter provided)
Size:19" x 1.75" x 4" (48.3 x 4.5 x 10 cm)
Weight:5 lbs. (2.3 kg)

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